Fmovies new site, watch free movies on Fmovies: David Lean's film "The Bridge for the River Kwai" is just not strictly military, just like the British director's stellar film "Lawrence of Arabia" isn't a pure biography of your legendary British intelligence officer. The director isn't going to concentrate on the anti-militarist message. Both films are primarily about people. About the psychology of personal relationships in wartime. About how extreme conditions will not change people for any better. Resulting in just what a manic thirst for the right are able to do to your person.

At the "The Bridge to the River Kwai" one cannot help convinced that this film for Sir David Lean was a kind of warm-up before "Lawrence", shot 5 years later. The exact same close-ups of the prettiest oriental landscapes, the same subtly outlined psychological portraits, exactly the same interestingly analyzed and presented problem of relations between East and West, and also the Oscar-winning soundtrack by Maurice Jarre from Lawrence is within tune while using music in The Bridge, and in some cases both main characters are Colonel Nicholson and scout Thomas Edward Lawrence have similar traits inside their characters.The plot of the photo is not hard: Colonel Saito demands with the British prisoners of war regarding a strategically important railway bridge across the River Kwai. However, the leading character of the image, Colonel Nicholson, sabotages his subordinates in just about every way you can, refusing to function on regarding the bridge, and zilch can break it: not by standing under the scorching sun, not by punishment cells, not by promises. But after a few years the colonel goes mad and receives a maniac keen about the thought of ​​building the ideal bridge."The Bridge across the River Kwai" may very well be a graphic no worse than "Lawrence of Arabia", and this can be the merit of the key role. Colonel Nicholson is a genuine Englishman, a local of the civilized country, while in the wild conditions of an military camp attracts the Geneva Convention plus the law. Lin subtly depicts the confrontation between British colonel along with the Japanese military: for the 1st, surrender to prisoners of war is guaranteed that you're going to stay alive, for the second it becomes an act of cowardice. The first attracts the Geneva Convention, the second for the Bushido code. Classic West with East, never leaving the place. But all at once, Nicholson has a number of the traits that Lin would later share with his Thomas Edward Lawrence: an unusually strong will, pronounced leadership qualities, inflexibility and, somewhat, obsession. For Nicholson, for Lawrence, self-affirmation is important, the chance to feel as if a prophet leading people. These are individuals who, to some degree, are elevated above objective reality. Alas, it works each way, courage and robust will are usually positive and negative. Etc men and women take a look at nothing, to realize goals they easily climb over their heads and step over morality. Nicholson will easily donate not merely his or her own blood, but the blood from the veins of his subordinates to quickly attain his goal. This really is uncommon and at some level crazy. Not that banal psychiatric insanity, the sufferers of which eat nails for dinner. It is extremely insanity for major benefit of lofty and noble ideas. Before such psychopaths, they bow their heads, they're adored and hated, they're able to follow these to the completed or fight to the death.“Young beginners to battle, along with the virtues of war are definitely the virtues with the young: courage and faith from the future. The old people make peace, along with the vices of the world are the vices of the old: mistrust and caution "(c)The film "The Bridge within the River Kwai" shows the psychology of wartime. It may be called "a movie about a war with no war." There aren't any explosions, bombing and trenches, there exists a prisoner of war camp and people who find themselves haunted from the railway bridge under construction to 1 degree or another. Colonel Nicholson's madness is permeated with courage and faith within the future. Whoever has made a decision to inflatable the bridge are courageously going towards their goal and confidence better times. Colonel Saito is no less involved with the idea of ​​building a bridge than Nicholson is enclosed in its madness. David Lin isn't going to tug around the sleeve on the viewer inside a need to acknowledge that your is nice, but that is bad. Because his picture is with no bad and the good characters, all people have their particular faith and his or her truth. The "merits" of war are shown fully measure. The war madness is extremely poignant over the last 10-20 minutes on the film. The beastly jaws in the POW camp chew mercilessly on anyone unfortunate enough being there. There isn't any sophisticated cruelty, severed limbs as well as a mountain of corpses, although the denunciation on the war proceeds in every frame, every word, every gesture. As well as in parallel on this, the director sadly diagnoses the destructive nature of maniacs who, possessed by a higher and noble madness, will not likely spare either their belly or someone else's. A demiurge from British cinema, David Lean gorgeously demonstrated for the viewer the psychology of personalities who have gone through the crucible of war. He spoke clearly and concisely about strong people in addition to their strong weaknesses.